Sunday, January 6, 2008

Atonement: 4 out of 4 Stars

A movie review written by:

Andrew Vigeant

Based on the novel by Ian McEwan, comes a story. Not just a story, but a beautiful story. It's perfect. Just like this film. As a film critic you search long and hard for a perfect movie. You watch so many movies, and review them, and analyze, and write, and watch and think, but you never expect to find a perfect one. Not in a million years would I have guessed that "Atonement" would be perfect. It amazes you from beginning to end without a SINGLE flaw. I won't even tell you much of the plot other than Briony Tallis(Saoirse Ronan) tells a lie about Robbie Turner(James McAvoy), and that "little" lie alters the lives of everyone.

I saw this movie online, and I was left speechless. I couldn't blink, I couldn't even think. I saw it in the movie theater, and I felt the same way. I babbled about how amazing the film was, but other than that I had no idea what to say at all. It leaves you puzzled, amazed, breathless, shocked, frightened, delighted, light-hearted, warm, cold, crestfallen, etc.

Keira Knightley (Cecilia Tallis) Knightley....what more can I say besides a clearly an unchallengeable Oscar WINNING performance. She is perfect. Literally.
Saoirse Ronan (Briony Tallis) Ronan is headed towards being something extremely special. I'll be thrilled, and anxious to see her in her upcoming films. She plays Briony SO well. Almost TOO well. Throughout the entire film she emits a chilling edge whenever she is on screen. She captivates you.
James McAvoy (Robbie Turner) Arguably an Oscar deserving performance from him as well. He delivers you with burning intensity all through the film. Anger, sorrow, sexuality, endearment, confusion, you name it.
Brenda Blethyn (Grace Turner)
she doesn't get a lot of screen time at all, but she makes the scenes she's in enjoyable. She plays Robbie's mother perfectly.
Harriet Walter (Emily Tallis)
She gives us the cliche snob/rich mother. But she does it perfectly, and that's the difference on why it isn't a failure.
Patrick Kennedy (Leon Tallis)
His scenes with Cecilia (Knightley) verge on incest. I love it. Not incest, but how it's conveyed.
Benedict Cumberbatch (Paul Marshall)
The highly succesful and RICH man comes to visit his friend Leon (Kennedy), and to crash at his house. You just know something brilliant will happen!
Juno Temple (Lola Quincey)
The stuck-up child who thinks she's better than everybody else. Once again, cliche? Yes, but they do it perfectly and so smoothly. Her family are in the lowest of the low class. Why am I saying this? Oh just a hint.
Felix and Charlie Von Simson (Pierrot and Jackson Quincey, "The Twins")
The twins give you a real "olden days" feel when they're on screen which helps make you believe you're in 1935.

Every single scene in this movie is memorable. I can still replay the movie in my head, and not forget any moment. This entire film will mesmerize you. Christopher Hampton must win the award for Best Screenplay. If he doesn't it will sadden my heart because something this wonderful needs to claim it's recognition. Joe Wright directed this film, but he didn't really need too. At the same time he did though. It was just so smooth. So perfect. He also directed "Pride And Prejudice". I also think you should check that one out! I think you get my point that this movie is perfect. I expect you to watch it, and probably think it has a few problems. Come to me though and ask me about them. I guarantee I can clear ANYTHING up for you at all. Seriously. If you haven't watched a single film in your life please watch this one. I would definitely recommend this film to anyone and everyone. This film is my favorite film ever. It's a masterpiece. I'll talk about this movie with anyone at anytime.

I Am Legend: 3 1/2 out of 4 Stars

A movie review written by:

Andrew Vigeant

Dont worry about a thing, cause every little thing gonna be all right. It will won't it? Robert Neville(Will Smith) is the last man on Earth. The lone survivor of the devastating man-made virus called the KV virus. I won't tell you how it was made, and all that jazz because it is a good surprise, though, I will tell you that it was created to cure cancer. Neville basically dedicates his life to finding a cure for the virus, and constantly does lab research. Neville isn't exactly alone though. Their are creatures in the shadows....watching him.....longing to kill him....waiting for the perfect chance to pounce....Can Neville find a cure in time? Or will he be doomed to suffer the same fate the rest of mankind seems to have faced?

I don't have any really funny quirks to write about here like I usually do, so sorry to disappoint. Although I did see this movie three times at the movie theater. Yeah, I know it would've cost me lots of money if I didn't sneak in two of those times.

Will Smith(Robert Neville) was amazing, I know he wont win an Oscar because he's black(I'm being serious only 4 black actors have EVER won an Oscar, and they all played evil or cruel characters hmmm...fuckin racists people are) but he damn well should. I've been amazed by Smith's performance's since I first watched him in "The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air"and "Independence Day". That show was mad funny, and still is. Yes, I watch it on nick at nite sue me. I immediately recognized his excellence in the movie, though, not in the TV show. Nowadays he is an extremely distinguished individual. I'm literally proud of him, and the movies he does. Yes, "Bad Boys" was a bit of a stretch for me I admit, but I still enjoyed it because of him. I can't wait to see his movie "Seven Pounds", it will be GREAT!
Alice Braga(Anna) she has the potential to have potential, but I don't know. She was alright in this film, but I liked her accent. Her next two films: "Crossing Over" and "Redbelt" don't seem to have too much promise. However, look forward to her next two after those which are: "Blindness" and "Repossession Mambo". Both are based on novels, so I'll be looking forward to those.
Charlie Tahan(Ethan) Ehh....he's okay? I guess.....he's young though....maybe he'll actually look like he belongs on the big screen?? Possibly? No? Well....he has a movie coming out that he will be in called: "Nights In Rod-something".....yeah he's got nothing going for him. Poor kid. I want to give him a lollipop. Watch me get arrested now because these days everything is misconstrued as sexual.
Sam(the dog Sam) This dog is awesome enough said.
Dark-Seekers(played be CGI) They actually don't look that bad. Stefan doesn't think so, but so what? We don't have to always listen to Stefan now do we? Seriously though they could've done a way better job, and it does take away from the film in a way. Not the enjoyableness level though. P.S. I didn't even know enjoyableness was a word!

Director Francis Lawrence did an amazing job. He didn't direct the "hell" out of this film like Tim Burton did with "Sweeney Todd", but still an applaudable effort by far. (Props to Stefan) I look forward to seeing Lawrence's upcoming movie: "Snow And The Seven" which is a remake of Snow White. I like the whole Marley music throughout this film it added a touch of relaxation which was ironic and contradicted the films atmosphere as well as one of it's themes. Speaking of the themes they were many in this film. I don't want to mention any because I want you to watch and I want to see what you can come up with. Think of it as a challenge. Sound effects, camera-work, and editing are all a thumbs up. Nearly all of the outstanding scenes have has Neville's dog Sam in them so keep a look out!

What causes this film to drop from a 4 star rating to a less honorable 3 1/2 star rating is: CGI and the fact that they couldn't find somebody to compliment Will Smith. The CGI was poorly done, as I've stated before, but it's just such a shame..... Will Smith doesn't need a compliment, but Anna....they could've chosen someone so much more better, and it would've made them film THAT much better! Hell I would've taken "Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix's" Helena Bonham Carter! Overall I definitely recommend this film to all who love movies, and even some of you who don't.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

2008 Golden Globe Predictions


By: Andrew Vigeant

Award: Best Picture - Drama

Nominees Include:
1. "American Gangster"
2. "Atonement"
3. "Eastern Promises"
4. "The Great Debaters"
5. "Michael Clayton"
6. "No Country For Old Men"
7. "There Will Be Blood"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Picture For A Drama Award is: "Atonement". This movie really does top the lists. And Knightley really does...*insert inappropriate comment here* ...oh yeahhhhh....

Award: Best Director

Nominees Include:
1. Tim Burton for "Sweeney Todd"
2. Joel and Ethan Coen for "No Country For Old Men"
3. Julian Schnabel for "The Diving Bell And The Butterfly"
4. Ridley Scott for "American Gangster"
5. Joe Wright for "Atonement"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Director Award is: Tim Burton for "Sweeney Todd". I wanted to say Joe Wright, but then I'd be lying to myself.

Award: Best Actor - Drama

Nominees Include:
1. George Clooney in "Michael Clayton"
2. Daniel Day Lewis in "There Will Be Blood"
3. James McAvoy in "Atonement"
4. Viggo Mortensen in "Eastern Promises"
5. Denzel Washington in "American Gangster"

My Prediction:
My prediction for the Best Actor For A Drama Award is: Daniel Day Lewis in "There Will Be Blood". Surprised? Me too!

Award: Best Actress - Drama

Nominees Include:
1. Cate Blanchett in "Elizabeth: The Golden Age"
2. Julie Christie in "Away From Her"
3. Jodie Foster in "The Brave One"
4. Angelina Jolie in "A Mighty Heart"
5. Keira Knightley in "Atonement"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Actress For A Drama Award is: Keira Knightley in "Atonement". Nobody can compete with Knightley come on now be serious.

Award: Best Picture - Musical/Comedy

Nominees Include:
1. "Across The Universe"
2. "Charlie Wilson's War"
3. "Hairspray"
4. "Juno"
5. "Sweeney Todd"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Picture For A Musical/Comedy Award is: "Juno". Juno just barely, AND I MEAN JUST BARELY, edged out "Sweeney Todd".

Award: Best Actor - Musical/Comedy

Nominees Include:
1. Johnny Depp in "Sweeney Todd"
2. Ryan Gosling in "Lars And The Real Girl"
3. Tom Hanks in "Charlie Wilson's War"
4. Phillip Seymour Hoffman in "The Savages"
5. John C. Reilly in "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story"

My Prediction:
My prediction for the Best Actor In A Musical/Comedy is: Johnny Depp in "Sweeney Todd". This isn't even a competition I mean come on now just open your eyes.

Award: Best Actress - Musical/Comedy

Nominees Include:
1. Amy Adams in "Enchanted"
2. Nikki Blonsky in "Hairspray"
3. Helena Bonham Carter in "Sweeney Todd"
4. Marion Cotillard in "La Via En Rose"
5. Ellen Page in "Juno"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Actress In A Musical/Comedy is: Ellen Page in "Juno". You can argue for Helena, but in the end you know Ellen Page was way better.

Award: Best Supporting Actor

Nominees Include:
1. Casey Affleck in "The Assassination Of Jesse James"
2. Javier Bardem in "No Country For Old Men"
3. Phillip Seymour Hoffman in "Charlie Wilson's War"
4. John Travolta in "Hairspray"
5. Tom Wilkinson in "Michael Clayton"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Supporting Actor Award is: Tom Wilkinson in "Michael Clayton". I know...but who else was I supposed to pick??

Award: Best Supporting Actress

Nominees Include:
1. Cate Blanchett in "I'm Not There"
2. Julia Roberts in "Charlie Wilson's War"
3. Saoirse Ronan in "Atonement"
4. Amy Ryan in "Gone Baby Gone"
5. Tilda Swinton in "Sweeney Todd"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Supporting Actress Award is: Tilda Swinton in "Sweeney Todd". It was SO close between Saoirse Ronan and Tilda Swinton, but I think I made the better choice.

Award: Best Animated Film Feature

Nominees Include:
1. "Bee Movie"
2. "Ratatouille"
3. "The Simpson's Movie"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Animated Film Feature Award is: "Bee Movie". I wish I didn't have to pick one for this category, and I know "The Simpson's Movie" will win, but it sure as hell doesn't deserve it.

Award: Best Foreign Language Film

Nominees Include:
1. "Four Months, Three Weeks, And Two Days"
2. "The Diving Bell And The Butterfly"
3. "The Kite Runner"
4. "Lust, Caution"
5. "Persepolis"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Foreign Language Film is: "The Kite Runner". I fell in love with the book, and then fell in love with the movie. One word: Beautiful.

Award: Best Screenplay

Nominees Include:
1. Diablo Cody for "Juno"
2. Joel and Ethan Coen for "No Country For Old Men"
3. Christopher Hampton for "Atonement"
4. Ronald Harwood for "The Diving Bell And The Butterfly"
5. Aaron Sorkin for "Charlie Wilson's War"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Screenplay Award is: Christopher Hampton for "Atonement". Close call between "Atonement" and "Juno", but "Atonement" edges it out by just a bit.

Award: Best Original Score

Nominees Include:
1. "Into The Wild"
2. "Grace Is Gone"
3. "The Kite Runner"
4. "Atonement"
5. "Eastern Promises"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Original Score Award is: "Atonement". The hardest decision I had to make, and "Into The Wild" along with "The Kite Runer" came close, and hell I'd even make an argument for "Eastern Promises" but "Atonement" takes you on a unforgettable/unimaginable ride.

Award: Best Original Song

Nominees Include:
1. Despidida in "Love In The Time Of The Cholera"
2. Grace Is Gone in "Grace Is Gone"
3. Guaranteed in "Into The Wild"
4. That's How You Know in "Enchanted"
5. Walk Hard in "Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story"

My Prediction: My prediction for the Best Original Song Award is: Guaranteed in "Into The Wild". Close call between this one and That's How You Know from "Enchanted" but in the end this one takes it.

Award: Best Television Drama

Nominees Include:
1. "Big Love"
2. "Damages"
3. "Grey's Anatomy"
4. "House"
5. "Mad Men"
6. "The Tudors"

My Prediction: My prediction for Television's Best Television Drama Award is: "House". Credit where credit is due and...blah blah blah I hate this show.

Award: Best Actor - Television Drama

Nominees Include:
1. Jon Hamm in "Mad Men"
2. Hugh Laurie in "House"
3. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers in "The Tudors"

4. Bill Paxton in "Big Love"
5. Michael C. Hall in "Dexter"

My Prediction:
My prediction for Television's Best Actor In A Television Drama Award is: Hugh Laurie in "House". I hate the show, and Hugh Laurie almost as much as I hate my ex-girlfriend, but I have to give him credit where credit is due.

Award: Best Actress - Television Drama

Nominees Include:
1. Edie Falco in "The Sopranos"
2. Holly Hunter in "Saving Grace"
3. Glenn Close in "Damages"
4. Sally Field in "Brothers & Sisters"
5. Kyra Sedgwick in "The Closer"
6. Minnie Driver in "The Riches"
7. Patricia Arquette in "Medium"

My Prediction: My prediction for Television's Best Actress In A Television Drama Award is: Holly Hunter in "Saving Grace". If you never saw Holly Hunter I suggest you google her name.

Award: Best Television Musical/Comedy

Nominees Include:
1. "30 Rock"
2. "Californication"
3. "Entourage"
4. "Pushing Daisies"
5. "Extras"

My Prediction: My prediction for Television's Best Musical/Comedy Award is: "Californication". It sucked, but once again what else is their? Nothing at all.

Award: Best Actor - Television Musical/Comedy

Nominees Include:
1. Alec Baldwin in "30 Rock"
2. David Duchovny in "Californication"
3. Steve Carell in "The Office"
4. Ricky Gervais in "Extras"
5. Lee Pace in "Pushing Daisies"

My Prediction:
My prediction for Television's Best Actor In A Musical/Comedy Award is: Lee Pace in "Pushing Daisies". Horrible show, great actor.

Award: Best Actress - Television Musical/Comedy

Nominees Include:
1. Christina Applegate in "Samantha Who?"
2. America Ferrera in "Ugly Betty"
3. Tina Fey in "30 Rock"
4. Anna Friel in "Pushing Daisies"
5. Mary Louise Parker in "Weeds"

My Prediction: My prediction for Television's Best Actress In A Musical/Comedy Award is: Christina Applegate in "Samantha Who?". Wow I love this show it's really entertaining, I recommend downloading it illegally...I mean..go out and buying it!

Award: Best Mini-Series - Television

Nominees Include:
1. "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee"
2. "The Company"
3. "5 Days"
4. "The State Within"
5. "Longford"

My Prediction: My prediction for Television's best Mini-Series Award is: "Longford". The shows sucks, but...what else is their really?

Award: Best Actor in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture - Television
Nominees Include:
1. Adam Beach in "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee"
2. Ernest Borgnine in "A Grandpa For Christmas"
3. Jim Broadbent in "Longford"
4. Jason Isaacs in "The State Within"
5. James Nesbitt in "Jekyll"

My Prediction: My prediction for Television's
Best Actor in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Award is: Jason Isaacs in "The State Within". He sucks, but he's the best in this selection.

Award: Best Actress in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture - Television
Nominees Include:
1. Bryce Dallas Howard in "As You Like It"
2. Debra Messing in "The Starter Wife"
3. Queen Latifah in "Life Support"
4. Sissy Spacek in "Pictures Of Hollis Woods"
5. Ruth Wilson in "Jane Eyre"

My Prediction: My prediction for Television's
Best Actress in a Mini-Series or Motion Picture Award is: Debra Messing in "The Starter Life". Wow is she great.

Award: Best Supporting Actor - Television

Nominees Include:
1. Ted Danson in "Damages"
2. Kevin Dillon in "Entourage"
3. Jeremy Pivon in "Entourage"
4. Andy Serkis in "Longford"
5. William Shatner in "Boston Legal"
6. Donald Sutherland in "Dirty Sexy Money"

My Prediction:
My prediction for Television's Best Supporting Actor Award is: Andy Serkis in "Longford". Once again I hate the show, but this guy deserves the credit.

Award: Best Supporting Actress - Television

Nominees Include:
1. Rose Byrne in "Damages"
2. Katherine Heigl in "Grey's Anatomy"
3. Rachel Griffiths in "Brothers & Sisters"
4. Samantha Morton in "Longford"
5. Jaime Pressly in "My Name Is Earl"
6. Anna Paquin in "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee"

My Prediction: My prediction for Television's Best Supporting Actress Award is: Rose Byrne in "Damages". I abso-positively hate the show Damages, but Rose Byrne is incredible. She is the most deserving to win this award.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Shooter: 3 1/2 out of 4 Stars

A movie review written by:

Andrew Vigeant

Yesterday was about honor. Today is about justice. Bob Lee Swagger (Mark Wahlberg), one of the world's great marksmen lives peacefully in the rockies after leaving the military. Then, one day, the government comes, and asks him to help them find a way that the U.S. President might be assassinated in three different cities where he has public meetings. He does his job and helps, but Swagger quickly becomes the fall guy. He must now track down the people who lied to him, and give them justice.

Mark Wahlberg (Bob Lee Swagger) he is outstanding just like he is in every one of his films. "Departed" "Italian Job" "Perfect Storm" in none of those is he as great as he is in this film. You never get sick of him no matter how much of the film's screen-time he's in. If only we could clone him and Depp...we would be unstoppable..
Michael Pena (Nick Memphis) as annoying as he looks he knows how to deliver. His expressions always fit the scene along with his emotion. I look forward to him in "Lions For Lambs". He was in "Babel"...and umm...."Babel"...and another worthwhile movie named...umm..ugh...."Babel"?? Did I..say that one already?..OH! "Gone In Sixty Seconds"!!..oops..lets not mention that one again..
Danny Glover (Colonel Isaac Johnson) From the beginning to end I hate him. He comes back from Saw to haunt me yet again. This lisping f*ck just makes me want to kill. I can't tell if he can act or not because of his annoying lisp that is in EVERY word he says...
Kate Mara (Sarah Fenn) where did she come from? Not only is she really really cute, but she brings out a sensual and sexy vibe the whole time while on screen. Her acting is good, and has the potential to get better with more time....I hope she does get more time too.
Elias Koteas (Jack Payne) delivers fairly good, and almost always does, but goes too over the top in this one. He tries to hard, and it shows in every aspect (expressions, line delivery, emotion).
Ned Beatty (Senator Charles F. Meachum) He's just sooo old...that's the impression I get during all of his screen-time....just so so old...he looks so damn old...he definitely is a good choice to play Senator.

The script, soundtrack, editing, acting, plot, outstanding/memorable scenes are all aspects of this movie. The script is so well written it can be talked about in the same sentence with the script of "Children Of Men". Soundtrack is amazing especially during the fighting scenes. Editing is perfectly done throughout the film which makes following it slightly easier...damn those camera angles!! The acting overall was really solid with few falters...cough cough DANNY GLOVER cough cough. The plot is just well thought out, and...well okay some things aren't believable at all....but overall it's amazing because whether you're for or against the government you get sucked in. It does have outstanding/memorable scenes, and I would talk about some...but I just can't ruin any for you.

Camera angles, and lame emotion afterwards is what kills this film. The camera angles seem to be all over the place throughout the film which makes it hard to follow sometimes. The lame emotion I'm talking about is not directed towards the scenes in the film, but the overall effect you have for the movie as a whole after it's over. It's generally weak, and un-moving. Especially to the heart. Overall I definitely recommend this film because it's a great movie...just don't expect to relish in any great after effects.

Stay Alive: 2 1/2 out of 4 Stars

A movie review written by:

Andrew Vigeant

In this film it's the old game of death...After the brutal death of a friend, Loomis Crowley(Milo Ventimiglia) a group of friends stumble upon a video-game called "Stay Alive." The game is about a true story of a woman known as the "Blood Countess"(Maria Kalinina) who terrorized many children. After playing the game the friends begin to realize that once they die in the game....they die in reality as well. As more and more of them perish the few remaining friends band together to make an attempt to defeat the Blood Countess.

I watched this film a long time ago with a friend, when he still worked at the video store, because he got free rentals. I enjoyed it then, and enjoyed it the 2nd time just as much when I recently viewed it again.

Jon Foster (Hutch) one scene he's believable then in the next he's as believable as a 5 year-old. Certain scenes his facial expressions go along with the emotion in the room then the scene shifts and his expressions become nothing short of laughable. I haven't even mentioned that he keeps his arms stiff throughout the entire film even while he runs.
Samaire Armstrong (Abigail) not only is she cute, but gives you slight and distinct expressions changes that speak loudly through the entire film. She has the 2nd best delivery in this film. The only way she fails you is when she just doesn't sound like she's being terrorized...gang-banged maybe...
Frankie Muniz (Swink) I remember this guy from the TV show "Malcolm In The Middle" where he was hilarious. In this film he becomes slightly annoying but at least makes most of his lines work. He has the 3rd best delivery in this film. He needs to show other emotions besides fear though...that seems to be his specialty. He still plays someone really smart even though he doesn't look it.
Jimmi Simpson (Phineus)
Sophia Bush (October) arguably the most fun person to watch in the entire film, she delivers the best performance. She's cute, shows just the right amount of emotion, and her expressions and line delivery never falter. *Spoiler* Even after her brother dies, and she goes after the Countess herself she is believable under extremely hard conditions.
Adam Goldberg (Miller Banks) This guy is so bad I wont even waste anymore time talking about him.
Milo Ventimiglia (Loomis Crowley) Reminds me of Johnny Depp from "Secret Window"...that is...without the incredible acting ability.

Sound effects, soundtrack, and make-up are GREAT in this film. That isn't even to mention the game itself. The sound effects, especially when the Countess is around, is so amazing. I wish I could have that guys job...The soundtrack was really simple, but worked really well with this film which is a major plus because if it didn't the film would probably make your head start to droop. Make-up, especially on the Countess, seemed to be a major concentration point...I don't know why but they did do a great job. The game itself/the plot was well thought out, but could've been made so much better.

Camera-work, editing, outstanding scene(s), and acting is what brings this film down. The camera angles can literally make you dizzy, and wonder if the cameramen were drunk or just retarded. Nearly every scene it seems as if they purposely pick the worst spots. The editing is choppy, and I wouldn't doubt if it was done within a 5 minute time-frame. Their are no outstanding/memorable/one that speaks to you scenes in this entire film...besides the top 3 I listed above everyone falls below average and Muniz was only average also and he was in the top 3....Overall I definitely recommend this film. Especially if you are looking for an enjoyable, yet not over the top, thriller.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Fast And The Furious Tokyo Drift: 2 1/2 out of 4 Stars

A movie review written by:

Andrew Vigeant

If You Ain't Outta Control, You Ain't In Control. After killing his car in a street race, Shaun Boswell(Lucas Black) is sent to Japan to live with his Military father. This will allow him to avoid juvy, and even jail. He meets up with a guy named Twinkie(Bow Wow) who is also into the world of street racing. He races against D.K. (Brian Tee) who is in with the Yakuza, and loses. He totals the car borrowed to him becausehe can't do the drifting. To repay for smashing the car he learns how to drift and races to pay his debt. After lots of practice he must go up against the man he lost in the beginning, D.K.

Haha, well I was asked to review this movie by my friend from Arlington Heights because he is a fan of my reviews. Hope I didn't disappoint although this movie wasn't that great.

Lucas Black(Shaun Boswell) did a great job as the leading actor in this film. He doesn't let you down even with the horrible script writing this movie has. He seems to especially shine while on screen with women though...hmm...something's gotta be with that. At times he does go to over the top for a car movie which is his downfall in this film. Bow Wow(Twinkie) god I really hate Bow Wow's music. The only thing I hate more is his acting. It's more like talking to a 5 year old. He needs a lot of acting lessons and classes to even reach the level of high school drama class. I don't know what was wrong with the people who cast him for this movie. He doesn't deliver anything at all, and everytime he's on screen it makes you groan. D.K.(Brian Tee) this guy is japanese, and I love the japanese people. He looks like one of those guys who knows the karate, and would kick your ass. Other than that he does a good job with his role, but as far as him in other movies I don't see it happening. His acting is for this role only, and will only fail at others. It works for this movie though, and that's all that matters. Proof of his poor acting, look at his past appearances...all on tv shows..enough said. Han(Sung Kang) you gotta love this guy. His car gets totaled, and he still can smile and joke and be a kool guy about it. He's just what this movie needed. The calm guy. If he was the usual hyper-anger driven guy because you just totaled his car it wouldn't work. Plus this guy is in the movie War, which I haven't seen but looks kool as hell! Neela(Nathalia Kelley) doesn't really add anything to this movie other than when Lucas Black and her talk. She compliments him so immensely it makes him shine so bright. Other than that, though, she doesnt deliver on any level at all but still not as bad as Bow Wow. I mean what the fucks? Bow Wow? Come on now!

While the cars look great in this film, and the driving and skill used are much exciting and entertaining to watch....the script writing and sometimes bad camera angles along with an overall disappointing acting performance nearly causes this movie to drop into the category of not even worth talking about. The director(Justin Lin) must have gained some common sense though because he at least pieced together a few solid actors and gave us a solid plot to follow. Not to even mention the sweet rides we all were able to look at at, and wish we had. Engines reving andsweet looking cars roaring Justin Lin's movie is amazing. Though often times when the talking begin to feel a sleepy haze...and everything drifts away... Overall I definitely recommend this film. That's unless you have no desire in cars or driving at all in your life. Than you can just go watch something'll be missing out on a enjoyable movie that will give you a fun time.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Rush Hour 3: 1 1/2 out of 4 Stars

A movie review written by:

Andrew Vigeant

Their finest hour.....well that's what the good old commercials said, but I'd definitely have to disagree. I really don't know whether their was a defined plot, or if they just went with the flow when making this movie. After an assassination attempt on Ambassador Han(Tzi Ma), Lee(Jackie Chan) and Carter(Chris Tucker) head to Paris to learn about the Triad's secrets and stop them once and for all. That is basically all I could come up with here, I know it's not much, but then again this movie wasn't anything much either.

Once again I went with my friend in Arlington Heights to see this movie. We couldn't sneak into this one because their was too many "nigs" patrolling the area, so we had to pay like scrubs. We heard noises after we got back to the crib that could belong to no other than the FRENCHAY though, so we were kinda scared for our lives.

The acting was pretty horrible for the most part, and that's surprising. Jackie Chan(Inspector Lee) was alright in this Rush Hour film, but compared to the past two he didn't even try. It was like he didn't even want to make this film, but was offered a large sum of money so he said what the hell I'll do it. Chris Tucker(Detective James Carter) was slightly worse than Lee, and didn't show any emotion or any real facial expressions throught the entire film which was rather disappointing. Don't get me wrong the chemistry with these two, on screen, is still amazing, but you can't always rely on that to carry you through a film. Genevieve(Noemie Lenoir) was alright as well, but no emotion or real facial expressions either. She was rather dull and boring to watch while she was on screen. Soo Yung(Jingchu Zhang) was slightly better than average, and looked like someone who would be on one of the Dynasty Warrior games for Ps2. At least she showed emotion, and cared about making this a better film. The only actor that did a good job in showing emotion, expression, and cared about his job/life/this film was Kenji(Hiroyuki Sanada). He actually put forth a lot of effort in this film and it showed, and quite possibly payed off for him.

Saying that this movie takes disappointment to a whole new level for hours wouldn't get boring or tiring to read, but it isn't worth taking that much time to talk about this film. Nor go and see it either. The only reason this movie doesn't fail completely was because Kenji showed us their still was hope, their were lots of funny moments just like in the first two films, and last but not least the good old fighting scenes with Lee and Carter. It is a laughable experience, but why pay $9 for laughs when you could just watch a White Sox game when they blow a 5 run lead in the 9th inning?

This movie was nowhere near perfect. It had such potential, although it would've been difficult to best the hype of the first two, but director Brett Ratner fails miserably and should be rather ashamed of himself. I'd love to ask the question why to him, but I'd be very afraid of his answer. He has a rather good background in directing movies, but if I were him I'd leave this one out of his resume. If you were a fan, like I am, of the first two Rush Hour films than you definitely should go and sneak in to see this movie. If you're a die-hard fan than go ahead and pay. Overall I can't recommend this film.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Superbad: 1 1/2 out of 4 Stars

A movie review written by:

Andrew Vigeant

Superbad!! Hilarious? Best movie of the summer? SUPERGREAT??? about...oh I dunno....super bad?!?! YES!! That fits this movie perfectly!! The irony right?? Oh god the plot...I mean....oh god..the fucked up plot! Seth(Jonah Hill) and Evan(Michael Cera) are going to different colleges, but before they do they are planning to get laid. They finally get invited to a party, and all they have to bring is some alcohol. With their friend Fogell(Christopher Mintz-Plasse) they plan on making a fake I.D., getting to the party with the booze, and finally getting laid....

Jonah Hill(Seth), Michael Cera(Evan), Christopher Mintz-Plasse(Fogell) all worked together really well in this film. I was surprised because when I seen this trio on screen I though OH GOD..OH GOD NO...but as I said I was surprised and I'm glad. What I'm not happy about isn't their performance which they did the best they could do with the script, but in fact their lines. They were some of the worst lines I've ever heard coming out of actors/actresses mouths. No teenager I've ever come across talks like that, enough said. Fucking ridiculous. Martha MacIssac(Becca), Emma Stone(Jules), Aviva(Nicola) were the three girls the above three guys wanted to get laid by. They all did pretty good jobs, I guess, but the good thing about them was at least they acted like typical girls these days somewhat. They fail here though as well because they still miss the mark of a teenage girl here somewhere....Bill Hader(Officer Slater) and Seth Rogen(Officer Michaels) were the best. So hilarious whenever they were on screen especially the scene at the bar when they were with Fogell, and before near the end when they burn the police squad car.

Their isn't really much for me to say about this movie other than don't spend your money on it...oh wait their was a lot of funny scenes, but you seem to forget those because of all the vulgar and ridiculous lines they were made to say. The writers Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg aren't good script writers. They arent average script writers either. They shouldn't even be allowed to be called script writers. Seth Rogen can act and should stick to that.

If you do decide to watch this film, I don't know why you would though, their are a few scenes that I think you may particularly enjoy. *Spoilers* The whole Mclovin scene when Fogell gets his fake I.D. is really hilarious. Even the name Mclovin itself is. The scene at the party when the girl ahs her period on Seth will also leave you with quite a lot of erupting chuckles. Every scene with the cops is very enjoyable, and you should actually have someone wake you up whenever htey are on screen. *End of spoilers* Overall I can't recommend this film sucks. Seriously just don't watch it. Not even illegally online. Watch Scrubs instead. It's mucho good.

Simpsons Movie: 2 out of 4 Stars

A movie review by:

Andrew Vigeant

Homer's craving for food really is a turn-off isn't it? Well basically this whole concept of this movie is, but that didnt stop anybody from making it. Springfield orders a clean up of polluted Lake Springfield and bans all waste dumps there. Predictably, Homer Simpson dumps a silo of Pig Crap in it, he screws up his family's, his friend's, and the rest of Springfield's lives. Yeah...not a great plot....who woulda guessed?

The great thing about this review is that the is no acting to talk about, so I don't have to type all that out.

Let's get the good things about this movie out of the way first, so we can talk about the retardedness. The characters all looked great, surprisingly, and their was no real goofs or anything at all. It was just like a newer simpsons episode. The voice over and lip synchronization was perfectly done, and that too surprised me. It was hilarious just like the regular simpsons episodes on t.v. That's pretty much aabout it....oh and I love the simpsons, and it was just like watching a 90 minute simpsons episode...

Everything considered, though, I don't know what the hell David Silverman was thinking. Let alone a lot of the world was thinking when they payed $9 to see a 90 minute long simpsons episode. Yes it was funny. Yes it was the classic simpsons. Yes you can just watch it online. Their was such a retarded plot, and after all is said and feel nothing. You feel cheated and violated that you payed $9 to see a movie with some laughs in it. You get that familiar bad taste in your mouth and you turn to the person next to you and yell "WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING?" He will either say: "What did you expect?" or "I liked it". If it was the latter I know you want to punch him, so..just do so nobody will see. The only reason this movie beats Rush Hour 3 and Superbad in the rating is because it actually exceeded me expectations and I love the Simpsons. Overall I can't recommend this film.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry: 3 out of 4 Stars

A movie review by:

Andrew Vigeant

How far would you go for a friend? Two normal, straight, guys are best friends and are Brooklyn firefighters. One, Larry Valentine(Kevin James), was married, and has two kids. The other, Chuck Levine(Adam Sandler), is a major pimp in Brooklyn, and gets all the ladies. Chuck nearly gets seriously injured while in a burned down building, but Larry saves him. It's then that Larry realizes if anything happens to him his two kids will suffer. He then tries to apply for benefits. Their is only one problem. He's not married. He devises a plan with his friend Chuck to pretend they are gay, so his kids won't get screwed over.

I went to see this movie with a friend awhile back around the time when it first was out in theaters. Actually I think about a week after it was out or so. She liked it too, my friend, and actually tried singing some of the songs in the movie. Yes, of course, I mocked her and made fun of her haha.

Adam Sandler(Chuck Levine) I think Adam excels in comedies especially because their is just something about him that screams out funny. In this movie he doesn't disappoint you. He does his role perfectly, and Kevin and him seem to have such a great "feel" for each other on screen and possibly off screen. He also has come along way in his career, and his acting has continued to get better and better. Some critics say he can't play in a film that's categorized under comedy, but why should he bother playing in another genre when he's one of the best in comedy? Stick to what you do best. Kevin James(Larry Valentine) I was unsure whether Kevin would be as funny as he was on his T.V. show "King of Queens". He was even funnier. His preformance is the biggest surprise because from the trailers it looked like Sandler and him would clash. Only that Sandler would excel and James be left in the dust. That's not the case because James is right up their with Sandler in this film. Jessica Biel(Alex McDonough) is not only as attractive as always, but still has her "touch" with her acting career. I thought this movie might be a downfall in her career, but it wasn't the case. Even when she's in bad films such as "Blade: Trinity" she still excels, and actually made that movie in particular worth watching. Dan Aykroyd(Captain Phineas J. Tucker) has an eerie presence about him that was a little odd. He has a big secret, and it's found out halfway through the movie. He gives it away though so obviously, but at least he was not so sucky right? Ving Rhames(Fred G. Duncan) is one of my most hated actors in the world. He can't preform if his life depended on it, and this movie is no different. When he's on screen you groan, and when he's not you'll be happy. He shouldn't have been cast as Captain, but maybe one of the other firefighters.

If you love to laugh you'll especially love this movie because Sandler and James keep you laughing nearly non-stop. You add that with the stunning Jessica Biel, and you definitely will have a worth-while movie even if the plot is lame. Even if you don't love to laugh you'll still laugh in this one though. Just don't be one of those people who is "offended" by this movie. I HATE that person with a passion. The only drawback about this film is that it just doesn't have that one scene or moment in it that really pushes it past being a good film rather than a great one. Overall I definitely recommend this film to everyone.