Sunday, January 6, 2008

Atonement: 4 out of 4 Stars

A movie review written by:

Andrew Vigeant

Based on the novel by Ian McEwan, comes a story. Not just a story, but a beautiful story. It's perfect. Just like this film. As a film critic you search long and hard for a perfect movie. You watch so many movies, and review them, and analyze, and write, and watch and think, but you never expect to find a perfect one. Not in a million years would I have guessed that "Atonement" would be perfect. It amazes you from beginning to end without a SINGLE flaw. I won't even tell you much of the plot other than Briony Tallis(Saoirse Ronan) tells a lie about Robbie Turner(James McAvoy), and that "little" lie alters the lives of everyone.

I saw this movie online, and I was left speechless. I couldn't blink, I couldn't even think. I saw it in the movie theater, and I felt the same way. I babbled about how amazing the film was, but other than that I had no idea what to say at all. It leaves you puzzled, amazed, breathless, shocked, frightened, delighted, light-hearted, warm, cold, crestfallen, etc.

Keira Knightley (Cecilia Tallis) Knightley....what more can I say besides a clearly an unchallengeable Oscar WINNING performance. She is perfect. Literally.
Saoirse Ronan (Briony Tallis) Ronan is headed towards being something extremely special. I'll be thrilled, and anxious to see her in her upcoming films. She plays Briony SO well. Almost TOO well. Throughout the entire film she emits a chilling edge whenever she is on screen. She captivates you.
James McAvoy (Robbie Turner) Arguably an Oscar deserving performance from him as well. He delivers you with burning intensity all through the film. Anger, sorrow, sexuality, endearment, confusion, you name it.
Brenda Blethyn (Grace Turner)
she doesn't get a lot of screen time at all, but she makes the scenes she's in enjoyable. She plays Robbie's mother perfectly.
Harriet Walter (Emily Tallis)
She gives us the cliche snob/rich mother. But she does it perfectly, and that's the difference on why it isn't a failure.
Patrick Kennedy (Leon Tallis)
His scenes with Cecilia (Knightley) verge on incest. I love it. Not incest, but how it's conveyed.
Benedict Cumberbatch (Paul Marshall)
The highly succesful and RICH man comes to visit his friend Leon (Kennedy), and to crash at his house. You just know something brilliant will happen!
Juno Temple (Lola Quincey)
The stuck-up child who thinks she's better than everybody else. Once again, cliche? Yes, but they do it perfectly and so smoothly. Her family are in the lowest of the low class. Why am I saying this? Oh just a hint.
Felix and Charlie Von Simson (Pierrot and Jackson Quincey, "The Twins")
The twins give you a real "olden days" feel when they're on screen which helps make you believe you're in 1935.

Every single scene in this movie is memorable. I can still replay the movie in my head, and not forget any moment. This entire film will mesmerize you. Christopher Hampton must win the award for Best Screenplay. If he doesn't it will sadden my heart because something this wonderful needs to claim it's recognition. Joe Wright directed this film, but he didn't really need too. At the same time he did though. It was just so smooth. So perfect. He also directed "Pride And Prejudice". I also think you should check that one out! I think you get my point that this movie is perfect. I expect you to watch it, and probably think it has a few problems. Come to me though and ask me about them. I guarantee I can clear ANYTHING up for you at all. Seriously. If you haven't watched a single film in your life please watch this one. I would definitely recommend this film to anyone and everyone. This film is my favorite film ever. It's a masterpiece. I'll talk about this movie with anyone at anytime.

1 comment:

Stefan Vlahov said...

While this film has the potential to be in My Top 10 of all-time, i'm not sure it is there. The funny thing about Atonement is that I didn't find it to be perfect, like you did, but with all its flaws and all its moments of sheer genius it somehow added up to being the best movie of the year. The reason I wanted to see it again in the theater is because I wanted to see how unbelievably good it was, I wanted to feel it again. this is a great review by the way. Awesome.