Thursday, July 19, 2007

1408: 2 1/2 out of 4 Stars

A movie review by:

Andrew Vigeant

No one lasts more than an hour in room 1408. Trust me, despite it's comfortable and comfy appearace, it's no party. Based off the book from infamous author Stephen King, Mike Enslin (John Cusack) becomes obsessed with the supernatural after his daughter dies. He travels to different areas which claim to have paranormal activity, and writes books about all the places he's been in. He doesn't believe in spirits or ghosts or demons, and when he hears about room 1408 at the Dolphin Hotel he is sure it's another hoax. After a valiant persuasive effort by hotel manager Gerald Olin(Samuel L. Jackson), Enslin checks in to room 1408.

Basically I have this movie on dvd, and was let down on it's overall performance. It was the perfect setting though because I watched it last night when it was storming really hard, and the power even went out a few times. That's not to mention my house is haunted(no not lieing) and I kept hearing weird noises and laughing on top of everything.

Fortunately, for me and you, the acting part of this review will be rather short and sweet. John Cusack(Mike Enslin) is about the only person in this movie who actually does his job. He shows that he can force different emotions on his face, and displays that he is incredibly good at acting like he's terrified/confused. Other than that, though, he tells us that he has the acting talent of Seth Green in "Without A Paddle." Mary McCormack(Lisa Enslin) is too over the top in every scene she is in, and it's just sad because she can do much better. Jasmine Jessica Anthony(Katie Enslin) not only gets our attention because she has three first names, but also becuase when the movie calls for her to act the part of a sick/DYING girl she just wasn't into it. Samuel L. Jackson(Gerald Olin) is just funny. Everytime he was on screen I got sudden urges to snicker. Half the time all I hear is him shouting at Cusack with no emotion involved at all. Sadly, the best acting was done by Alexandra Silber(The reporter lady at the book signing) because she was actually believable which nobody else was in this movie.

The only great parts in this movie is the psychology behind it all. The whole storyline, and cinematography is so well put together, and that alone makes this movie enjoyable. If only the acting was as good. The best part of the movie is the theme though. *Spoiler* Room 1408 is all about the demons inside yourself. This movie doesnt come close to the book, but all in all this movie still leaves you with a feeling of awe and concern for the characters in the movie. Overall, I do recommend this film because it is a thriller that is actually WORTH seeing. Unlike many of the recent and no so recent thriller failures.


Stefan Vlahov said...

See I don't have a haunted house... and the fact that I liked it more than you is weird. I guess its not the atmosphere with this film. But I do want to watch it in a hotel room some day.

Cusack was alright. But it's true that there was nothing special about his performance. He is from Chicago though. hehe

London Still said...

haha. I am alexandra silber that girl from the book signing scene. ahh the internet. my friend just directed me to your blog after a google search. glad you liked the scene.